Mentors are the most significant source of support for a trainee. We are delighted that this is being recognised through additional funding and time. The SSTEC providers are working together to support schools and mentors and are delighted to be a part of the West Midlands Mentoring Partnership
You may be aware that there are new DfE reforms for Initial Teacher Training (ITT) that will come into effect from September 2024, including new funding schools access. You can watch our videos explaining these changes here:
There are several new requirements that all accredited providers must adhere to:
Mentoring and mentor training
A training package must be delivered by all accredited ITT providers to enable mentors to offer high-quality support on school training placements. There is a requirement that each ITT mentor completes 20 hours of fully funded mentor CPD for them to be able to carry out their role with desired impact. Details are included in the linked videos, and on pages 15-18 of the DfE guidance: DfE reforms for Initial Teacher Training (ITT)
The West Midlands ITE Partnership is collaborating on the design and development of mentor training that will be recognised across the region. The intent is to avoid teachers repeating training, and enable mentor training to be recognised across the region, regardless of which school a mentor is working in.
Mentors’ prior learning can count towards some of these 20 hours, where they have completed other relevant qualifications, such as ECF mentor training or completion of the NPQLTD. We will work with you to identify the most manageable route through the training for each of your mentors.
Intensive Training and Practice (ITAPs) – 20 days
These are designed to give trainee teachers the opportunity to intensively focus on and analyse essential, foundational elements of teaching practice. For example, some providers have focused the design and delivery of ITAPs on behaviour and routines, explanations and models and checking for understanding.
ITAPs are designed by providers and supported by school-based mentors through structured observation and practice. The 20 days allocated for ITAPs are in addition to the minimum 120 days spent on school placement across the training period.
Teaching experiences
All ITT courses must also be designed to ensure that trainee teachers can experience six weeks of 80% contact ratio teaching towards the end of their training year to ensure that they have the opportunity for sustained planning, teaching, and assessment cycles.
These reforms are exciting and designed to improve the quality of ITT provision. They should support recruitment and retention into the workforce and strengthen the teaching profession for the future.